PCOS that is Polycystic ovaries syndrome Commonest Endocrine disorder Presents with irregular menstruation, pimples, hair loss in the head and excessive hair growth in face Most of them are obese too In our PCO clinic we first work up thoroughly Nd counsel the patient about the need fr long term treatment .
Holistic treatment is given. Not just medical therapy But also Life style modification , both exercise and diet . Above all we join hands with our PCO warriors We run PCO clinic once a week(on Appointment)

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- No 19, Near Kumaran Nagar Bus Depot, Kumaran Nagar Main Road, Chennai – 600082.
- (91)-44-25567700, 25566888, (91)-9940143666
- shepherdnursinghome@gmail.com
- http://www.shepherdnursinghome.com
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